Monday, June 9, 2008

Reply to "Did you ever believe it could happen" Email about Obama


As I sit and listen to Sen. Clinton's Exit speech, and reading through various emails, my father sent this to me. I just want to remind you all that this is such a pivotal time in history literally.... Sen. Clinton is urging her supporters to now back the potential 1st African American man that we may soon be calling the President of the United States! I urge you all to endorse who you see as the best fit and take a minute and reflect on how major this is! If you have sons, I charge you to explain what is really happening and remind them that they too can be a Presidential candidate! It's short of amazing! If you have daughters, I give you the same charge! Encourage them and remind them that they can also be a candidate to run a Nation. This campaign has broken down so many stereotypes of race and gender in the country!

Take a moment and let that manifest! Think of the civil rights marches and suffrage movements and visualize the torment that those men and women faced to just make a small footprint in this journey that we are all now seeing come to fruition! Let's not make their blood, sweat and tears be in vain. Please VOTE and stay in the "know" of the campaign.

Overwhelmed in a Phenomenal Way!

Stay Beautiful.
Donielle C. Jones

Let me know your thoughts.

Fw: Did you ever think you'd live to see the day?

(click the link for pics)

Obama: 75,000+ in Portland PORTLAND , Ore. -- Sen. Barack Obama has seen his share of large crowds over the last 15 months, but his campaign said they have not approached the numbers gathered along the waterfront here right now.The campaign, citing figures from Duane Bray, battalion chief of Portland Fire & Rescue, estimated that 75,000 people are watching him speak.